The Archival Services, University Library of the University of Akron and the Summit County Public Library have begun to scan the Wingfoot Clan Newsletters from Goodyear and put them online at www.summitmemory.org . I have a lot of family that have worked at Goodyear over the years, so I was excited to begin searching the newsletters for my family. One of the first articles I found was on my Great Great Grandfather, Francis Floyd Coghan. This little piece definitely gave us some insight to his personality!
Now can you picture my Great Great Grandpa doing this!?
A full-grown muskrat was “loafing” in the vicinity
of the Goodyear police department on a recent
morning, when Francis Coghan,
came upon him. Arming himself with a club,
Coghan ended the earthly career of the animal.”[1]
[1] Goodyear, "PERHAPS MUSKRAT WAS AFTER TIRES," The Wingfoot Clan, newsletter, Vol. 31 No. 12 (25 March 1942): page 2; JPEG images (www.summitmemory.org), Francis Floyd Coghan.
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