Ever had the joy of playing in old court cases? You are missing out if you haven't! Nathan Miles Jr. and Peter Smith as well as the below men, assembled at 10 o'clock in the morning at Dogans Schoolhouse in Bulliltt County to settle the controversy of a debt. Below is a list of Jurors in the court case, Nathan Miles vs. Peter Smith on 14 August 1813 in Bullitt County, Kentucky:
Saml Hornbeck
Charles Langston
Richard Shanklin
Robert Shanklin
James Rowland
John Langston
Solomon Wornbeck
David Rowland
David Brooks
Samuel Graham
John Whittedge
James Shannon
John Hornbeck
Oh and in case you were wondering the boys had their suit dismissed and Nathan paid 2/3 of the court fees while Peter paid 1/3 of the rest of the fees.
Bullitt County, Kentucky, Circuit Court, Ordinary/Common Law Case Files, 1813-1817, Box #26 of 140, Bundles 153-158, bundle 155; Nathan Miles vs. Peter Smith 1813; Kentucky Department for Libraries and Archives, Frankfort, Kentucky; microfilm .