With a new year beginning it is time to take a look at my Genealogical Goals for the year. In 2010, I think I completed a lot on my list. I divided my goals into categories: Data, Writing, Research and Education. My data goal was to source all of my documentation I already had, get the information into my database and evaluate it. I am not done, but I have made considerable progress and have solidified my record keeping and have it down pat.
My writing goals for 2010 kind of fell through the cracks with all of the data, sourcing and filing I was doing. I did manage to put together four lineage applications, but got no complete papers written. This is going on the goal list for 2011.
I feel I redeemed myself in the research goals. I went on three research trips instead of just one, I went to four new repositories in my research and ordered at least 15 genealogical requests for documents and microfilm.
My education goals were:
1. Attend at least one conference/workshop
2. Keep up to date with the NGS Quarterly
3. Read 3 new skill books & apply what learned
4. Watch the APG, BCG & NGS Lectures online
I did attend the Ohio Genealogical Society Conference, the all day seminar on Pennsylvania Research at the Akron-Summit County Library and the all day seminar in Pittsburgh with Elizabeth Shown Mills. I have also kept up to date in my reading of the NGSQ and attended the Great Lakes APG discussion groups throughout the year. I read and applied some new books but I still need to finish watching the lecuters put online, especially since there are some new ones!
So in 2011, I plan to keep plugging along with my data and sources, make at least another 12 requests for documents or microfilm (I have already done 3!), go on another research trip, and visit a new repository. I also plan on writing a paper on my Grandfather's WWII history and submit him into the Purple Heart Museum. As well as keeping the same education goals, I would like to continue working on compiling information and writing towards my BCG Certification.
I think I have plenty to keep myself busy, I hope you do to! Enjoy!